12 octobre 2018, 19h, Fondation l'Abri Genève, Fête du Théâtre (en français)

With a slightly disillusioned sense of humour, the collectif inouite attempts to change the world. Trying out different strategies, they find inspiration in historical, esoteric and artistic movements. In a workshop format, they give inputs about contradictions, naivity, courage and disobediance and carry out practical experiments.
Concept and performance: Lucie Kohler & Anna Nitchaeff
Choreography: Rebecca Weingartner
Dramaturgy: Jonas Gillmann
Music: Antoine Quinet
Costumes: Cornelia Peter
Oeil extérieur: Almut Rembges
A collaboration with PREMIO, Tojo Theater Reitschule Bern, Théâtre du Loup and Fête du Théâtre de Genève
Mit freundlicher Unterstützung von Migros Kulturprozent, Pro Helvetia, Ernst Göhner Stiftung, Burgergemeinde Bern, SWISSLOS/Kultur Kanton Bern, Jürg George Bürki Stiftung, Kulturpauschale Basel Stadt